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Saturday 2 February 2008

All change!

Well, I've finally changed my midwife. A lot has happened over the
last couple of weeks - and I just haven't had chance to blog all the
instalments - but suffice to say that I now have a new midwife, Dawn,
who is very pro home-birth, very supportive and (most importantly) who
I feel is giving me the support that I want and deserve! Hurrah!

I did see my old midwife on Tuesday - I had an appointment anyway, and
things hadn't officially changed over, and Dawn was on holiday - and
everything was fine. Bubble was head down, curled to my left with feet
under my ribs, heart beat strong and still wriggling!

So, I'm a whole load happier about everything - well, most things! -
now. I've only got one more week at work and then "freedom" until
Bubble arrives. OK, so I know it's not really freedom - there are
plenty of things I need to do, including going and buying a nice first
outfit for Bubble, having a massage (Christmas present from Dave's
Dad!) and going out for lunch with Mel - but I'm guessing it's freedom
compared to "after-Bubble"!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Am so pleased that things are going better for you. Just reading your blog has made me feel excited! Thinking of you, Love and Hugs Allie x x x