I (D) don't know if I'm ready for Bubble to arrive yet, however C has got the urge to clean. Not just wiping the kitchen surfaces, but cleaning the windows, under the microwave, inside it, the cupboard doors etc etc. She has said she's not going so far as to take everything out of the cupboards and clean the shelves, but she's been doing everything but... !
People have said the this 'nesting' is an indication of an imminent arrival, so we shall wait and see. If it arrives soon, we will cope, but I don't feel as prepared as I could be. I don't know what more knowledge I want/need, but I just don't quite feel ready yet!
Progressing nicely!
Been for another midwife appointment and all's going OK. I'm booked in for
a home birth, as long as we're still in Sheffield (Not much chance of us
15 years ago
just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you xx
Sounds like nesting to me (Though Alan would argue that I've still not got to the cleaning stage!!)
Lots of love to you all and can't wait for acuddle.
Luv Auntie Sue xxx
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