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Monday 10 December 2007

Boy or girl?

So many people have asked me if I know what we're having. I'm fed up with answering "a baby", and so thought I'd see what theories the internet would come up with. For the past couple of weeks, I've been calling Bubble "he", but am not really sure why. But according to this link, it could be anything, including an asexual being!

Evidence for it being a boy:
  • I am craving salty or sour foods
  • I am craving protein -- meats and cheese
  • Dave is gaining weight, right along with me
  • I am having headaches
  • I've added my age at the time of conception and the number for the month I conceived and the sum is an even number

Evidence for it being a girl:
  • I had morning sickness early in pregnancy
  • My left breast is larger than my right breast
  • I am craving sweets
  • I am craving fruit
  • I crave orange juice (see the pattern - I'm just craving food!)

Evidence for it being an asexual being:
  • I hang my wedding ring over my belly and it doesn't move!
  • My pillow faces neither north nor south when I sleep
Oh how we laughed!!!

Any more theories? Oh well, what will be, will be! I'm just happy to be having a baby!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bubble is "what it will be" and we will love him/her whatever.
Love Nanny