It's now all very real for us - we've seen the pictures to prove it. Up to now, it's all just been C feeling fat, tired, sick etc, along with the (faint) blue line, but now we've seen the pictures at the first scan, we've seen Bubble's head, body and limbs. He was wriggling about a bit this morning, and we now know everything appears to be OK.
The date we were given tallies exactly with what we thought (it's now 12 wks & 2 days), making the due date in early to mid March next year.
I now have to get on with securing a job to take the pressure from C to earn lots - and that is not proving an easy task! I am working on it, and praying that I'll get to know of suitable opportunities, and that someone will see my potential from the application!
Progressing nicely!
Been for another midwife appointment and all's going OK. I'm booked in for
a home birth, as long as we're still in Sheffield (Not much chance of us
15 years ago
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