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Tuesday 2 September 2008

Imogen's first visit to Quintet

I've only just got the photos from Dad, hence the bit of a delay to this blog. On the way back from camp we called in to see Mum and Dad on board Quintet. We were only there a few hours - just time for a bit of lunch at a nearby pub and an attempt to drop a TB in a geocache, as well as catching up with Nanny & Gramps - but as you can see from the photo, Imogen settled in well!
We're planning a proper trip soon - no dates fixed yet, but by the time the engine's fixed and Quintet's back on the go, it's going to be a few weeks away. It'll just be a few days, but now she's rolling and moving about, we're having to think about roughly how we're going to do things. The buggy's a bit big to fit on the boat, but she loves it in the sling, so that's OK. We're thinking we'll be able to strap a plastic booster seat type chair onto the roof near the back, and she'll probably like that, being able to see everything that's going on. The travel cot we've got was bought by Stuart and Rach when their kids were little, and was specifically bought as one that'll fit in the boatman's cabin, so sleeping's not a problem either.
We figure by starting early it'll just be a normal thing for her, and we'll work out the best way of doing things as we go along - as we do with everything at the moment!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We used to have M & C on the back of the boat in their car seat. We didn't strap it down - as long as there was 2 people at the back to hold on if needed...! Our seat had a sunshade as well which proved useful.
I'm sure she'll love it whatever.