The last two weeks have been hard, with the routine we'd got into going out of the window and illness all round.
We went away with my family to a caravan over on the coast for a long weekend - a nice time, but hard work, with Imogen being put in unfamiliar circumstances and with big cousins to play with! I'm not at all blaming Molly & Charlie - they're great with her - but with constant attention from them and the rest of the family, Imogen just didn't want to sleep! And the thin walls in the caravan didn't help - she'd just get to sleep and then some noise would wake her again.
And since then, things have just been all over the place. Sometimes she'll go to sleep quite well - even settling herself if we're having a really good time! - but then at other times there seems to be nothing we can do. Several times she's woken in the night and it's been two hours before she's gone back to sleep, and at times we've also had her in bed with us.
We don't have a problem with co-sleeping - in fact, I don't know what all the fuss is about when it's something that it such a natural thing - but our bed just isn't really big enough! If we had a bigger bed, we'd probably be co-sleeping all the time, but as it is, it's not something that we can do regularly because I don't always feel as though I've slept properly. But when it's a choice of sitting in the nursery with her, but being so tired that I'm at risk of falling asleep with her there - far more dangerous - or her coming and snuggling with us, then there's not really a dilemma.
It's a bit of a mystery why Imogen is being so unsettled - maybe we're just expecting too much of her when she's only 4 months old. I can understand her waking if she's hungry or has a horrible bum, but it's when that's all sorted and she won't settle back, that things start getting to me. Lots of people have given us lots of well-meaning advice, but it's just hard to know what is right for us. "Teach her to have a routine during the day", "Maybe she should be in her own room", "Is she hungry?", "Is she too hot?"
llnesses probably haven't helped. She had a horrible snotty cold a while back, which led to conjunctivitis when we were at the caravan. She's all over that now, but I caught the conjunctivitis from her. Added to that, I've been constipated and vomited one day last week, and yesterday I had a migraine. I don't know whether I'm just tired which is why I seem to be suffering, or whether part of it is hormonal changes (my hair is falling out as well, which other people have said happens around the time that periods start again - hurrah!)
Progressing nicely!
Been for another midwife appointment and all's going OK. I'm booked in for
a home birth, as long as we're still in Sheffield (Not much chance of us
15 years ago
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