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Tuesday 18 March 2008

Perceived wisdom

Have just come back from the hospital, and the consultant appointment. What a faff - Bubble, I hope you realise that we really don't want to go there again!

First they wanted a pee sample - despite everything being OK last Thursday and a midwife coming at lunchtime to do an antenatal check. Then I had to see a midwife - not quite sure why. She had a feel and said that Bubble is "sitting" well - head down and back to the left - and then listened for the heartbeat, which again was fine. She asked what I was there for, so I said it was because I was declining induction at 42weeks - and then she asked me if I wanted a C-section
instead! No, I don't think you understand, I want nature to take it's course as much as possible.

Then we had to wait 1/2hour until the consultant decided that he'd better do some work. I was just trying to persuade Dave to go and find out what was going on, when the doc came waltzing in. It took less than 5 minutes for him to tell me that the "perceived wisdom" is that induction at 42 weeks is the best course of action. But no mention of "evidence" - just this "perceived wisdom". Anyway, to cut to it, I've agreed to daily CTG monitoring at the hospital from next Monday and then if there's any indications that Bubble is distressed or anything, we can then decide what to do from there. Not really looking forward to the faff of all that - I've had more words with Bubble and pointed out to him that it would be much easier if he could just make a move before we get to that point!

I'm not convinced of the dates anyway. When we first knew I was pregnant, we worked out that the earliest possible due date could be 9th March, but because of my irregular periods, it could well be after that. At one point, not long before I got pregnant, I was ovulating at about 21-22days, so that gives as an extra few days as well. Who knows, it's all just a bit of a waiting game, and having faith in nature.


notquiteginger said...

I have "percieved wisdom" on a saturday night after a few glasses of wine, that it's a good idea to go clubbing. on that basis I wouldn't place too much stock on percieved anything! x

Anonymous said...

Well done on sticking to your guns. I know how hard it is, especially when faced with consultants. I felt more confident with number 2 discussing things at every stage and although it didn't work out exactly as planned (do these things ever?) I felt better for knowing I'd done all I could to put my point of view across. We remember the frustration of waiting.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you on hospital waiting ... why do I need to wait in 3 different areas before I actually see the consultant. I ususally take a book to read to pass the time, last time was really quick and I only got about 1/2 way through that week's New Civil Engineer (hmm not sure what the consultant thought of that when I put it on the table ...)