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Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Piling on the pounds

I took Imogen to be weighed again yesterday. OK, so piling on the pounds is a bit of an exaggeration, but she's reached the mile"stone" - yes, she's now 14lb! She still pretty much hugging the 25th centile line (where she's been since she was just a couple of weeks old) so obviously my milk is still enough for her.

On the subject of weaning, we've given her odd bits of things - a stick of celery, a slice of apple and a bit of banana - but nothing mega or regular. Now she's sitting pretty well we've ordered her a high chair (should arrive at the beginning of next week) and then we'll start thinking about doing the weaning thing properly. She's certainly taking an interest in us eating and is grasping things, putting them in her mouth and chewing, so she's getting to the stage where proper food is a goer.

We're going to go for baby-led weaning. The NCT breast-feeding counsellor first told us about it, and from what we've read on the internet, (there's plenty more info if you type "baby led weaning" into google) it seems to make sense and is a lot easier than faffing with puréeing and mushing, which I really can't be bothered with! We've talked to a few people who've done it, and no-one seems to have had a problem, as long as you're prepared for changes in milk demand depending on how much the baby's eaten - but as Imogen is feeding on demand now anyway, that should be OK.

Sunday, 24 August 2008

Hurray for Holidays!

OK, so we've been back nearly a week now, but I just haven't got round to writing this blog before now.

Our summer holiday this year (and probably the next few years as well) was SAGGA camp - a load of like-minded families, doing service work on a Scout/Guide site and getting out and about it the area. This year was a site in Kent, just inside the M25, with work projects including building a toilet block and renovating a hut.

So, 11 days under canvas, was Imogen's first proper holiday. And she loved it - good job really as she's going to have to do it again! All the fresh air, and new things to watch, meant she slept well - day and night - and she came back with a rosy glow to her cheeks and nose. She charmed everyone with her smiles, and made lots of new friends, including Harry (who beat her to the accolade of youngest camper!) and some Nigerian Guides who'd been to an international camp nearby (Imogen's first international Scouting experience).

The weather was mixed - rain, wind, sun, but no snow! In fact, it was the wind that bothered me, and Imogen, the most. The noise in the tent had the habit of disturbing her sleep, whereas I just couldn't get to sleep for worrying about the tent ripping or falling down around us. Thankfully, our tent held up to the elements, unlike others, and we managed to get it home dry (having slept in a building on the last night). Imogen had her own tent too - no, not over night, but we did buy her a little sun shelter which got some use on the nicer weather days!

Dave managed to do a fair amount of work around the site - sometimes a bit too much for my liking, as I felt frustrated by not being able to do as much as I have done in previous years, and a bit left out and lonely at times. But, I did manage to get some work done, between Imogen's feeds. In fact, one morning she came down into the woods with me and some of the other kids to clear an area for the "trim trail" - one lad said she was our official supporter on the project!

On one day out we decided to go to a local farm type thing - a lovely place that was run by a charity providing housing and jobs for disabled adults. There were walk-through areas to see some of the animals, so I strapped Imogen into the sling and took her to have a look. And she seemed to think the animals were quite interesting; she certainly didn't seem scared or bothered by them. In fact, at one point she put a hand out to touch a sheep, and seemed very curious about the goats that were nibbling at my trousers.

Another first for Imogen was geocaching. Dave and I used to do quite a lot when we went away anywhere - it's a great way of finding places that you wouldn't normally see - but haven't done any for a while. But one afternoon a car treasure hunt was set up, taking us very close to caches in the area. We really need to get back into it, because our caching eyes and brains are out of practice, but we did find one, grabbing a narrowboat TB to continue on it's journey.

It wasn't just Imogen who managed a "first"; I also managed to get out for an evening to a local pub, leaving her with Dave to cope if she woke up (which she didn't!). I've been feeling torn for a bit now, wanting to go out, but not wanting to leave Imogen. I've done it during the day to go to Tesco or something, but somehow it's different going out for an evening socially. But she was doing so well sleeping, I took the chance and enjoyed a couple of drinks out.

Over the last few weeks - no doubt helped by our time at camp - Imogen has changed and developed loads. She has always been quite a happy little smiler, but seems more so now - very sociable. She's rolling well, sitting pretty good with support, and is starting to put feet down to try and stand. She grabs anything that she can get her hands on (we're in the process of Imogen-proofing our lounge!) and puts most of it in her mouth. She's very nosey and takes in everything that's going on around her and is obviously learning new things all the time. It's great to see, and she's constantly amazing and amusing us with her new tricks!

Monday, 4 August 2008

Last night

Well, last night didn't go too badly at all. Imogen was really tired - maybe all that fresh air at the BBQ tired her out - and went down really well. She woke just after 11pm, and at that point my heart dropped and I thought we'd be in for a bad night. But that was it until 6.30 this morning, when Dave found her upside down in her cot (head at the bottom, feet at the top!)

So, that's it. Her first night in her own room went well, and she's made another move on the growing-up move! And I had a nice night's sleep as well!

Dave had the best night's sleep of all of us - he didn't even know that I'd got up to her at all. I just hope he doesn't sleep through every night, especially the bad ones!

Sunday, 3 August 2008

Baby BBQ

No, we didn't get so stressed with Imogen that we burnt her on a kebab stick - we spent a lovely afternoon with some friends from Baby Group, out in the garden enjoying a BBQ and baby chatter. Unfortunately not everyone could get there, but there were three families - Jen, Andy & Ollie (on the left); Nic, Rob & Ollie (on the right); and us. It was Nic & Rob's idea for us to get together with Dads as well (so they don't feel left out, and know who we're talking about!) so we pootled round to their house. The kids were all pretty well-behaved, and we sort-of managed a photo to mark the occasion! It was good to put faces to those blokes that we've been talking about for weeks, and hopefully Dave will look less clueless when I'm talking about people now!
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I've been resisting it for a while, but we've finally taken the plunge and Imogen is spending tonight in her own room. I just got too fed up of her chuntering and wriggling in her sleep. She's does this weird thing of raising her legs to right angles above her, and then letting them drop onto the mattress with a thud - not once, but several times in a row. And when I've fed her during the night, sometimes she doesn't go back to sleep straight away - she'll be quite happy (not all the time!) just to lie in her cot until she drops off, but her chatter with Mr Cow just gets a bit much!

We were going to wait until we come back from SAGGA camp - sleep will no doubt be a mess anyway - but I just couldn't do another night. I think Dave has been hoping for a while I'd give in - it's just one step on the road to her growing up and I want her to be my baby for ever!