Imogen is doing really well. She's gaining weight and is now 9lb 9oz - it's not as rapid growth as Henry from NCT who's nearly doubled his birth weight already, but I love my little baby and don't want her to grow up!
She's developing her own little character now. Smiles came when she was about 3 weeks old, and now she won't even save them just for Mummy and Daddy - anyone who talks to her nicely gets one. She watches everything that goes on, and loves looking at picture books and brightly coloured toys. Mirrors and shiny surfaces are also a hit.
It's looking like she's going to be a morning girl - when she wakes up at 7-8am ish, she's a right little grump until we open the curtains and then she's all smiles, like she's saying that she just wants to be up and about getting on with the day.
People keep asking if we're in a routine yet, but I don't really think about it, other than getting her to bed. What happens during the day is very flexible and we just work it out as we go along. If we need to be somewhere I'll try and make sure she's fed before we go; if we don't have a target time then she gets fed when she asks. If she's awake, we play and talk etc; if she's tired she sleeps.
But I do like to know what's going on in the evening, so we're trying to get some routine into that. Feeding, then bath at about 7.30-8pm, then more feeding and cuddles until she's asleep, which is usually by about 9.30. Over night she usually goes about 4-5 hours before she first wakes up and then about 3 hours after that, so it's usually a couple of times that I'm up with her. Overnight feeds aren't usually too long and she settles well again after, so I'm normally only up with her for about 1/2 hour, which is good. And sometimes she's even happy to go back in the crib while she's still awake, and then put herself to sleep.
It looks like she might become a thumb sucker. She's always liked a finger (from Mummy or Daddy) to suck on when she's tired, and has recently managed to suck on her fist, but it's just not the same. Straightening her thumb is not natural at the moment, but on Saturday with a little help with that last little bit, she happily sucked and put herself to sleep. Hurrah! I know that some people would say "Give her a dummy to suck on" but I really don't like them.
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