Imogen is changing and developing all the time and it's amazing to see what's new each day. She's been smiling since she was about 3 weeks old, but now she'll smile spontaneously, rather than just in response to someone else's. Her head control is improving, and she quite likes her "tummy time" - as long as there's something interesting to look at. She's recently found her hands - it started with her spending time just staring at them, but she's now trying to use them for bashing her toys on the play arch and in the pushchair, and can now reliably put fist in mouth to suck on (but there's still work to do on straigtening thumb/finger). She's been watching us move round the room for a couple of weeks, and now doesn't always like being left in a room - she thinks you're never going to come back. In fact Dave had fun hiding behind the wardrobe door (when she cried) then popping out again (when she smiled)! Imogen is certainly an inquisative little girl and doesn't like to think she's missing anything - she's started wanting to be sat up a bit in the pushchair so she can see what's happening, although it tires her quickly.
It's fantastic spending time with Imogen and watching her changing every day.
Progressing nicely!
Been for another midwife appointment and all's going OK. I'm booked in for
a home birth, as long as we're still in Sheffield (Not much chance of us
15 years ago
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