Once again we've been slack on blogging, so here's a bit of an update.
Since we went on the boat Imogen seems to have suddenly grown up. No longer does she need us to cuddle her to sleep - lovely as it means we have evenings back, but I do miss the cuddles! The other major thing is that she's no longer happy to sit in the push chair and just go for a ride - she'll sit for a bit, but then just wants to be out and walk. This is no bad thing - I'm all for making/letting kids walk, but it does mean that journeys take far longer than before as every leaf/flower/stone/bit of rubbish etc is just sooo interesting! Uncle Hugh bought her a wonderful little rucksack which she's quite happy to wear and means that, not only can I stop her running off after whatever is interesting, but also allows he to carry her own snack pot, drink & Mr Cow!
Healthwise, the snotty nose and viral rashes seem to have reduced in frequency (having said that she's not great at the moment!). We did have hand, foot & mout disease (no, not the same as what cows get!) which meant a week off nursery and not seeing a couple of friends for a bit who were concerned about little babies catching it. The blisters on her feet seemed to take ages to totally heal, and it did seem to have played havoc with her bowels.
She seems to really enjoy nursery. After the holiday and her illness we had a couple of week of her not being too sure about us leaving her, but that's all passed now. Sh'll quite happily gie me a kiss and a wave, then toddle off to play with whatever toy takes her fancy. I think she enjoys it all too much - there's so much going on that sleep is always a struggle there. We're lucky if she has more than an hour there and sometimes it's not even that (compared to 2+hrs at home) and she is always exhausted when she's home, which leads to tears and stress.
Her communication is improving all the time - she certainly makes it known what she wants. Her signing vocabulary grows all the time, and she'll often look at me waiting for the sign (shame I don't always know what the sign is!) and will try and sign new things after me doing it only once or twice. Nursery have said a few times about her using it there as well. I certainly think that it's helped us understand her, and reduces chances of frustration. And it certainly prooves that she understands a lot more than we'd have given her credit for. Her speaking is coming along as well. I'm still waiting for her to reliably say "Mummy", but there's plenty of other words. I'm not convinced other people would know what she's trying to say - either with signing or vocally - but we get along.
Progressing nicely!
Been for another midwife appointment and all's going OK. I'm booked in for
a home birth, as long as we're still in Sheffield (Not much chance of us
15 years ago
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